Monday, August 25, 2014

Back to School

I began this post back in July under the heading "The Weekend." Yeah... well. I mostly just forgot about it.

So... updates. My best friend Selah and I drove back to Milwaukee together, through Montana and North Dakota, and then northern Minnesota and Wisconsin. I really do like Wisconsin, but northern Wisconsin just took my breath away (and this was after driving through the mountains.) It was so beautiful, and it smelled like orchards just ready to be harvested. People really do know how to do autumn out in the Midwest. :)

I just finished my first class of the day - Medieval History. I have a class about the American Revolution coming up in about an hour, and I'm looking forward to it as well. I'm working on getting all the application stuff for ACD in, so that I can spend the spring semester of 2015 there.

Let's see... otherwise, I'll just work to catch up on blogging and such. This fall is probably going to be a blast!

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