Yesterday had some interesting events after I blogged. I went down to get some free root beer floats at the Underground, and almost immediately upon my return home, I decided to take care of some laundry. See, some of the stuff I'd stored still smelled like storage. It's Vespers tonight (Vespers means evening service) and I had stored a blouse I wanted to wear for Vespers. Anyway, I was on my way back from putting stuff in the washer when I discovered that our network was down. Not only did this affect Internet access, it affected our ability to use our key cards - the ones we need to get into our dorms. I was lucky - the RA had propped open the electronic door the first time. But when I was going back from the laundry room (after midnight) with my clothes all nicely cleaned, the prop was gone. Yep - I was shut out!
Fortunately for me, someone was sitting in the common area, and she let me in when I tapped on the window. I was able to get in and get all my stuff put away within ten minutes. No sooner had I put away my last clean shirt that my roommate exclaimed, "All right - the network's working again!"
Some days you just can't beat technology.
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